The Worst Things to Pack for Ireland: #3 Might Surprise You!

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So, you’re planning a trip to Ireland? Great choice! The stunning landscapes, friendly people, and rich history are going to make it a trip to remember.

But before you get too excited, let’s talk about packing.

It’s easy to get it wrong…

Especially with Ireland’s unpredictable weather.

To help you avoid unnecessary stress, I’ve put together a list of the worst things to pack for Ireland and what you should bring instead.

And believe me, as an Irish girl born and bred I have learned a thing or two about dealing with the Irish weather 🤣

1. Packing Heavy, Non-Waterproof Clothing

It’s easy to presume, with Ireland’s cold and unpredictable climate that you will need a few heavy layers to get you through your trip.

But… thats the thing, it’s unpredictable….one minute it is sunny the next there is a torrential rain storm.

And the last thing you want is to be stuck in clothing that is either too hot or too warm.

Or, something that will take FOREVER to dry.

What to pack instead: Stick to layers, I recommend a base layer, a jumper or sweater on top and then a waterproof jacket. You can always throw on another sweater if you’re too cold.

Opt for materials that dry quickly, so even if you do get caught in the rain, you won’t be soggy all day.

2. Fancy, Uncomfortable Shoes

I cannot stress this enough: leave the fancy shoes at home…

Yes, they might look great, but Ireland’s cobblestone streets, muddy paths, and rainy weather don’t care about your style.

Uncomfortable shoes will turn your trip into a painful one.

What to pack instead:

If I am being honest, most Irish people wear ‘runners’ aka sneakers and then a comfortable boot in the winter (like these ones).

You can’t go wrong with a good pair of walking shoes or hiking boots (I LOVE my ones).

You’ll be doing a lot of walking and trust me, you’ll thank yourself later when you’re hiking up to a cliff or wandering around a rainy town. And your feet are still nice and warm.

3. An Umbrella

I know, I know – it rains in Ireland, so an umbrella sounds like a smart idea, right?

Wrong! Between the rain and the wind, an umbrella will be more of a nuisance than a help…

Trust me, you’ll spend more time trying to stop it from blowing inside out than actually staying dry…

Now, if you do still want to bring one I suggest investing in a windproof option like this…there is a more likely chance it will stay in one piece.

What to pack instead:

A good-quality, lightweight rain jacket.

Something with a hood that keeps you dry and lets you keep your hands free for important things…like taking photos of all the beautiful places you’ll visit!

I always advise going for one that folds up nice and small, this could be a good option, so you can throw it in your day bag (I swear by my Tropicfeel Bag, fits so much) incase of any surprise rain visits.

4. Sunglasses and Sun Hats (But No Rain Gear)

If you’re packing for sunny weather and ignoring the possibility of rain, you’re in for a shock.

Yes, we get sunny days, but it’s Ireland – rain is always around the corner.

Sunglasses and hats are great, but don’t let them take up all your packing space.

What to pack instead: A good mix! Bring your sunnies and a hat for the bright days, but don’t forget your rain gear. That way, you’re prepared no matter what the weather throws at you.

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5. Thick, Heavy Coats

You might think Ireland’s cool climate means you need to pack the heaviest coat you own.

But here’s the catch: the weather changes fast.

One minute it’s chilly, the next you’re peeling off layers. Plus, lugging around a big, heavy coat is a hassle.

The only months I recommend bringing a heavy jack would be between late November through to mid February.

What to pack instead: Go for layers. Lightweight, insulated jackets that you can wear over a sweater are perfect. I normally opt into a down style jacket like this, they fold up small but still keep you nice and warm on those not so hot days.

If you get warm, you can easily take off a layer and toss it in your backpack.

6. The Wrong Plug Adapter

Nothing’s worse than realising you can’t charge your phone because you’ve brought the wrong adapter!

In Ireland, we use the same plug as the UK (Type G), so double-check what you’re packing to avoid a tech disaster.

But…I actually don’t recommend you pack that. Instead opt into a universal adapter (like this one). That way it will work no matter what country or airport you decide to visit next.

I use mine all the time both in Ireland and abroad. It’s one of my favourite travel purchases!

7. Too Many Dressy Outfits

Unless you’re planning a fancy night out or attending a wedding, you won’t need many dressy clothes…

Most places in Ireland are pretty casual, and you’ll spend more time in comfy clothes than anything formal.

What to pack instead: I’d advise bring one to two ‘nice’ pieces that can be worn on both a dressy and casual basis but other than that jeans, leggings and sweaters will do the trick.

8. Inadequate Rain Protection

It’s surprising how many people underestimate Irish rain.

Thin rain jackets or trendy rain ponchos might look cute, but they won’t keep you dry for long. You’ll end up cold, wet, and wishing you’d brought something more practical.

What to pack instead: Invest in a proper waterproof jacket with a hood. If you’re spending time in the countryside, waterproof trousers like this might not be a bad idea either.

I know they don’t look the nicest but they could quite literally make or break your trip!

9. Overpacking Toiletries

There’s no need to bring your entire bathroom with you.

Ireland has plenty of shops where you can buy whatever toiletries you need. Overpacking them just takes up valuable space in your suitcase.

What to pack instead: Travel-sized essentials or pick up what you need when you get here. Save that suitcase space for something more useful – like a nice Irish souvenir.

Moral of the Story is to Pack Smart and Embrace the Irish Weather

The key to packing for Ireland is to expect the unexpected and be ready for anything.

Rain, wind, sunshine – it can all happen in the same day! By avoiding these packing mistakes and bringing practical, versatile items, you’ll be able to enjoy everything Ireland has to offer without worrying about your wardrobe.

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